
REFLECTION: Reflect your way to a saner, stronger you!

This simple, easy three-step self-feedback loop is a formidable instrument in your journey to be a better leader, partner, coworker, or a saner, more peaceful you!

REFLECTION: Reflect your way to a saner, stronger you!

I used to be a daily โ€œjournaler.” Writing out my thoughts, darkest secrets, and desires was my road to sanity. I would dump them all out and be ready for the next day. Thenโ€ฆ medical school happened! Gone was the pleasure of daily journaling for the next 20 years of my life. It was replaced by all-nighters studying and working. After being a practicing physician for many years, I became an entrepreneur, leader, and coach. I realized that being an excellent physician alone is not enough. The key to true wellness comes from the inside out. Excellent physical health is useless if the mind is not at peace.

In the past few years, I have been researching simple tools that can assist me, my team, and my patients in getting objective feedback. Years of rigorous research, participation in stellar leadership programs, and many workshops have led me to the same conclusion.

Honest self-reflection is our superpower.

Journaling is a release but also a form of self-feedback. There are a million journaling tools and self-help books out there. However, in todayโ€™s busy world, the thought of sitting down to pen (or type) your thoughts seems like a daunting task. After experimenting with variations of daily, weekly, monthly notes, feedback sessions, and goal settings, etc., I adopted this simple check-in system for myself and my team. Varying schools of philosophy have inspired the tools in the upcoming pages. The common theme aligns with the core concept that the “power of selfโ€ is key!!

Whether you are a CEO, manager, coach, student, or someone who simply needs a little structure to your life, you will find this a powerful ally.

This simple, easy three-step self-feedback loop is a formidable instrument in your journey to be a better leader, partner, coworker, or a saner, more peaceful you!

I have used it every day before bedtime for over three years, as have many of my friends and coworkers. Because it takes less than two minutes and has been so potent, I decided to formalize the system and share it with the world. This toolkit does not bind you by dates or years. You can pick it up and start anytime.

Just be transparent with yourself! Take a day to look back at a random page. If you have already overcome that obstacle, then celebrate that win. If the primary challenge still lingers, let this toolkit assist you with โ€œsolutionizing.”

You will find weekly quotes. Many are from traditional texts, philosophers, or my favorite books. Those that do not have any labels are my creations or adaptations of life mantras that have helped me thus far.

You can order your copy hereย  or at

Or simply ask our front desk for one if you plan to visit any of our offices.

So, please enjoy the path to freedom, success, and peace.

โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆDr. Adeeti Gupta