
IUDs : Ordering, placement and insurance FAQs

IUDs : Ordering, placement and insurance FAQs


Do we stock IUDs or order them?

In the United States, IUDโ€™s are considered a pharmaceutical drug. Hence, they are only stocked or dispensed through either pharmacies or designated medical facilities.

What is โ€œbuy and billโ€?

This means that the medical facility will buy the IUD from the manufacturer and then bill the patientโ€™s insurance.

Why donโ€™t all offices buy and bill for IUDs?

The approximate costs of IUDs vary from between $800-1000. If we purchase the IUDs upfront then we first have to pay this amount to the manufacturer without any guarantee of reimbursement.

To complicate things further, the insurance company may not cover the full cost of the IUD or they may apply a portion to you as a co-pay, co-insurance or a deductible. Either way, the medical office has a high chance that they will lose money in this process.

Hence, due to already tight financial conditions being faced by us in an effort to keep our doors open, we do not participate in the โ€œbuy and billโ€ program.

Why does my plan cover only โ€œbuy and billโ€ and not allow the pharmacy to purchase the IUD and deliver it to the medical office if the cost to the insurance is the same?

Thatโ€™s a great question and that is something you can totally ask your insurance company.

What can I do if my insurance covers only Buy and Bill and I need an IUD?

There are some other medical offices that might participate in the plan, you can through your insurance website and call other GYN offices to see who can provide that service to you.

In addition, there are federally and state funded health centers such as FQHCs and Planned Parenthood who can provide the IUDs on site since they receive grants for such programs.

What are the next steps after I get an IUD inserted?

ย You may experience some cramping, pain and bleeding for 2-3 days. OTC medications with food should help relieve the pain.

When should I come back for a follow up?

ย We recommend one follow up six weeks after the insertion so that we can examine and visualize the strings. We also highly recommend an ultrasound at 6 weeks and then annually to ensure that the IUD is still in place.

Does my insurance cover an ultrasound after the IUD insertion?

Again, it depends on your plan. Most insurances do. However, some donโ€™t. We offer a discounted self-pay pricing for an IUD check sonogram because your safety is important to us.

How often should I monitor my IUD?

Since there is a 1-2 percent chance that the IUD can get expelled or may move, we definitely recommend a 6 week and an annual sonogram to confirm the location.

Why canโ€™t I get an IUD inserted at any time?

  1. Because we want to make sure that you are not pregnant.
  2. If you are in the luteal phase (right before your period), you may be pregnant but the urine and blood tests can still be negative, hence we ask that you come in for an IUD insertion during your period.
  3. Lastly, when you are on your period, then the os (the mouth of the cervix) is slightly open and softer. This allows us to place the IUD safely and you may suffer from less pain.

I would like to get my pap with the IUD insertion? Why do I have to come twice?

Your insurance does not cover a visit with a procedure on the same day. They will deny one or the other. In that case you may end up being responsible for the cost of one of those.

You can find more clinical details and preparation instructions here.

Please know that we are here 7 days a week to care for you. Your health is important to us. Thank you for trusting us with your health.

Be safe, be strong and be prepared.

Walk In GYN Team